Use slider to strum? Can it send midi?

Hi there, I’m thinking about buying an exquis and there’s one question I haven’t found an answer for in the manuals, reviews, anywhere really. Is it possible to use the slider for strumming? I’ve read here it’s not usable as a pitch bend/mod wheel but does it output any midi notes?
What functions can you set to the slider? Can you use it for anything else other than arpeggiator speed?

(Another question: can you set the keyboard buttons up to play chords instead of single notes?)

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


For now the slider is only a built-in arpeggiator. Strumming is a nice idea we still have in mind.

Not possible to play chords with a single key, mostly because playing chords on hexagonal layouts is intuitive enough :stuck_out_tongue:

1 « J'aime »

Hi Serguei,

At the moment the slider does not produce any midi output, does it?

With the chords buttons and with using the slider as a strum pad you could also pitch this device to omnichord lovers :wink: could the strip in theory do more than 6 „strings“/zones?

1 « J'aime »

The slider does not produce midi, but only decides on the internal behavior of the notes the controller sends in output.

More than 6 zones might not be precise enough, we even tried to make a pitch/modwheel as some people asked for that, but it was not satisfying as the component is not made for this (and the casing already has graduations and lights).
If we make a strum mode, the question would be what happens if you play or hold (because there will likely be a hold button in the near future) more than 6 keys and strum : limit to the first 6 notes ?

Maybe playing the last 6 notes would make the most sense? Like, on a 6 voice poly synth only the last 6 notes would be audible; the strum could follow the same principle

1 « J'aime »

Hi Sergei,
How about assigning 6 momentary CC’s to the slider for now. We would then be able to remap them to notes or different CC’s to use with strumming VST’s and Audio Unit plugins.

1 « J'aime »

I’d love that. Any kind of MIDI output would make me happy :slight_smile: