Update 2.0 - Update fail

Hi, we just got a new keyboard and are trying to update it following the instructions.

We always get the result « Update fail : 127 »

/bin/bash: /private/var/folders/3q/f27fl|pn06z2|3tynswpb4x40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/59540684-01CB-435F-896F-1EFECD83E2D7|d/Exquis_Fw_Updater: No such file or directory

We do plug it in in update mode (holding down the first encoder - the keyboard appears to be off).

Tried starting the updater before/after plugging in the device - same result.


OK, I don’t know which one of the steps I took did it, but I unfortunately tried two things at the same time, which you’re not supposed to do when debugging, but… it’s a one-way process with firmware update.

The two things I did:

  1. Switched to Windows
  2. Installed the 1.1 update first - https://web.archive.org/web/20240614031958/https://dualo.com/download/12823

Then, I installed the 2.0 update on Windows - update successful.

Now I’ve got to try it against the Mac app - I’m a little worried it still won’t work.


For the others that may encounter the same issue, it seems that the macOS updater doesn’t like « complex » (meaning with special characters like « - ») file paths.
Download and open the updater in the Downloads folder for example.

(The app V.2.0.0 indeed needs the keyboard V2.0.0 to work together)

I just got a new keyboard and MacBook Air with an M3 processor and I am getting

Update Fail 126

ending with … Bad CPU type in executable

It is possible that your M3 is the issue, our updater was made compatible for up to M2.
Fortunately I think it is possible to open it with a thing called Rosetta : https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/7765785712156-Error-bad-CPU-type-in-executable-on-macOS