Microtonal uses

Hi, I am interested in microtonal applications of the controller. Is it possible to remap the notes of the pads within the software for non 12 tone systems? Much like you can with the Sensel/lumatone apps or other isomorphic layout controllers

1 « J'aime »

It is not currently possible to customise scales, although I think that the manufacturer is considering implementing this.

The Exquis is a controller device that sends MIDI Note messages. For microtonal music, the sound source that receives those Note messages would need to interpret them appropriately.

1 « J'aime »

…yes, time to dig into Scala etc… :stuck_out_tongue:

1 « J'aime »

Have you tried software which supports MTS-ESP? In my experience, it’s the most efficient way to play with diverse tuning systems.
It’s unlikely that the Exquis will ever support microtonality/microtuning. However, when I use Entonal Studio (or Wilsonic, etc.) with Surge, u-he synths, or MPE synths, I’m able to play in any tuning I want and the isomorphic layout works quite well.

1 « J'aime »

Not a feature of the Exquis App right now, would be a feature request of mine, too.

However, all sounds that the Exquis App uses are Surge XT Patches, and Surge XT does support custom tunings. Thus you can play all Exquis presets and much more with custom tunings from the Exquis device. Not through the Exquis App, though, so you won’t be able to use the other App features with custom tunings.

To play the Exquis sounds with custom tunings, download the Surge XT Patches for the Exquis sounds that dualo provides on their website, and copy them into the Surge XT Third Party Patches folder. Then the patches appear in the Surge XT menu. You can load your custom tunings (e.g. Scala files) from the Tunings menu in Surge XT. Also you probably want to set the Pitch Bend Range to 1 Semitone, which is the default in the Exquis App.

1 « J'aime »

Hello! Author of Entonal Studio here. I’ve been working on custom mappings for different controllers (Novation Launchpad is mostly complete). I’d love to support the Exquis. At the least being able to control note colours via MIDI, being able to control note layout would be ideal.

3 « J'aime »

Hello Adam, sorry for this very late answer. I’ve sent you a message through Discord, but I double here, let’s talk together! :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, has anyone used this controller in conjunction with the Scale Workshop? looks like a match made in heaven for working with microtones, provided the computer uses the midi output from the keyboard, and they also offer several formats for encoding these scales. Actually strongly considering getting this affordable hex key controller for that reason - would also have to make sure I can adjust the lights.

Thank you for the link!
There are at least 3 work-in-progress project for microtonal use, so you can’t be wrong by getting an Exquis.
Please have a look at the #microtonality channel on our discord server
We have started to gather all the infos there.

Before I create a thread in the forum to organize infos, here are the links to the work-in-progress projects :

Entonal Studio built-in editor for Exquis:


Andrew Milne Relayer Max Patch

And last but not least, our github to find a Max Patch and ressources to take a full control on the Exquis.

What is this Scala you refer to?

Scala, a file format for specifying a sequence of pitches, i.e. a scale.

1 « J'aime »