FR: App audio output greater than 2 channels

For writing App performances out to audio files, presently (tested with version 2.0, Windows) the only method available is to use WASAPI and a loopback driver of some kind. This works, however, it causes all of the loops to be mixed into a single 2-channel stereo pair.

The request is to permit an arbitrary number of output channels, so that individual loops, or groups of loops can be effectively « exported » to a DAW as stems for editing, effects, mixdown, etc.

Example: I might want to send drums to channels 1 & 2, bass sounds to channels 3 & 4, synth pads to 5 & 6, leads to 7 & 8, effects to 9 & 10, so that in my DAW I have five stereo tracks to mix with.

If the App could be made to run as a VST, and output multichannel to the (DAW) host, that would be even better! I would consider that a separate feature request, so will open a topic just for that.

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