Exquis - update V1.1.0

Certains d’entre vous l’attendent depuis quelques temps, voici la première mise à jour pour le clavier Exquis !

Téléchargez l’updater sur https://dualo.com/bienvenue/#midicv Branchez simplement votre Exquis en maintenant le premier encodeur cliqué, puis lancez la mise à jour.

N’oubliez pas de consulter le mode d’emploi PDF associé 😉


Some of you have been waiting for it, here is the first update for the Exquis keyboard!

Download the updater on https://dualo.com/en/welcome/#midicv Simply plug your Exquis in while holding the first encoder clicked, then launch the update.

Do not forget to read the associated PDF manual 😉

2 « J'aime »

Hallo, can you please make the updater Mac OS 11 & 12 compatible?

Thanks !

1.1.0 description from video:

  • Improved slider sensitivity
  • Arpegiator latch mode
  • MIDI clock out
    • USB=red
    • MIDI=blue
    • USB & MIDI=magenta
    • off=white
  • Display duplicate notes
  • Scales “off” and chromatic
  • 2nd pages of settings:
    • MPE: number of channels
    • Poly aftertouch channel number
    • MPE: pitch bend range (x/48)
  • Key sensitivity
  • Settings stored in memory
  • Reset default

The Exquis app works on macOS 10.11 and higher but the updater app requires macOS 13.2!

Can you make the updater app run on earlier versions of macOS?

I use macOS 10.14.

1 « J'aime »

Hello, we are looking into making an updater for older versions of macOS, I’ll get back to you folks

3 « J'aime »

We updated… the updater ^^
Now compatible from macOS 11 (we won’t be able to go below 11 easily)
You can download it again from Welcome - Intuitive Instruments

1 « J'aime »

Thank you, Serguei! Big Sur is okay. :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for the update.

What really is needed is MIDI CLOCK IN to sync the software & Expuis with external gear.
Are you working on that?

Thanks for your answer! (:

1 « J'aime »

Do you mean synchronizing the Exquis app with external gear?
Otherwise the keyboard in standalone can be synchronized in usb or midi.

1 « J'aime »

Yes exactly this (:
So that it can receive MIDI Start/Stop and Tempo Sync.

Is there a way to change the pitch bend range when using with the Exquis app? It seems the second settings page is only accessible when the app is not open.

I have a hard time hitting the pads without accidentally bending the pitch.

Also, I can’t seem to activate latch mode for the arp. I hold on the slider, but it just selects the next option.

I’ve ensured that I have the latest software and firmware.

We are currently working on fixing the gap between the behavior without the app and with the app, pitchbend range (set at 48 semitones by default on the app) and latch mode for the slider is coming in the next update

3 « J'aime »

Hello, any news about the latch mode on Arp ?

it’s working in the last update (at least when you use the Exquis as a controller)

it’s working on several devices (through the ipad its ok) but through MacOs >10.11 doesnt work yet.