Exquis firmware and App roadmap

Here is our roadmap for the Exquis and its App.

— Updated the 29th of November 2024 —

Whatever we will write here, Intuitive Instruments Team will always keep the right to change their mind and stop developing a feature, or move between priorities.
We will try to update the list below, taking into account all the ideas and requests from the community.
If some of you cannot overcome your frustration in case of disappointment, we invite you not to read these lines.
The team is very happy to share ongoing developments as closely as possible to their current state, but if this is criticized, we will stop all publications on the subject.
To those concerned, enjoy the read!

As of end of november : here is roughly the roadmap (to be detailled) :

  • A very big update of Exquis’ App => beta-test is running, a few more improvements in the graphic interface are needed. A big new feature is ready ! (see below)
  • A very advance Ableton Live Surface Control Script for Exquis => seems like it will be ready more in January. We hope to start beta-test before the end of December. The Script is already to 70% of completion, but the Exquis’ firmware is not ready.
  • A big Exquis firmware update to support the above => 95% of completion regarding the new App, 50% of completion for the Ableton Live Script.

And some minor topics related to the above:

  • An improvement of the Bitwig Studio Script base on the Ableton Live one
  • An update of the hacking customization tools/maxpatch/github
  • A greater integration of Exquis with tools for playing microtonal music, for research purposes as well as in order to allow more people to give it a try.

Spoiler on some new app&FW features :

  • In standalone mode, Exquis can store up to 8 different note layouts
  • and up to 32 scales
  • The App now provides a note layout editor, a scale editor and a favorites preset editor
  • The App also offers to edit sensitivity Curves for each gestures
  • more to come!
4 « J'aime »

Is there any update to this, just in terms of timeline?

I have just bought my Exquis and am at the early stages, hoping I can make more sense of the App, and if this is likely to be updated soon, it might be worth knowing some of the possible new things?


" de hacking/maxpatch/github " vous pouvez traduire pour un néophyte ?

Sorry for this delayed message. We have created a channel in our discord, where we share kind of day-to-day updates of the App. I would recommend having a look :slight_smile:

C’est toute la partie d’environnement logiciel qui permet à des bidouilleurs de reprogrammer certains aspects du Exquis comme bon leur semble.

1 « J'aime »

Are there any plans on an iPadOS version of the app?

Need to know before I make a purchase decision.

Edit: I do see the video of the device working with Animoog on an iPhone, but I’ll need full iPadOS support for the app to access all features

Hello, an iOS version of the App, at least to setup the standalone configuration, is on our roadmap, but with no already defined schedule for 2025.