Does the Exquis work with Akai MPCs?

Hi. I am very interested in getting an Exquis, but my setup does not involve a computer (MPC Live 2 + MPC plugins + Hydrasynth Desktop). Can i use the Exquis with this setup? Would there be any limitations? I can use my laptop for firmware updates etc, but i wont run a daw or vsts on it. I look at computer screens all day and dont want to see them in the evening as well, so running the Exquis app all the time is out of the question

Hello, Exquis is like any other MIDI controller (and you can set it to MPE or Polyaftertouch on a single MIDI channel), so I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t work. Just keep in mind that it has to be powered via USB (power bank or AC adapter can do the job)