Hi - apologies if this has come up before…
Earlier I was experimenting with Exquis’ polyphonic aftertouch on Yoshimi (RPi5 is so fast it’s almost converted me to Linux). This worked well, but I found that the pressure range on the Exquis keys with this synth was focussed at the top of the key travel, rather than the bottom, so it was difficult to control without releasing the key. Here’s a rough demo.
I was reflecting that this wouldn’t happen with a regular keyboard, which wouldn’t start sending aftertouch until the end of the travel, and wondered if there was a way to configure the aftertouch range in some way to mimic this.
Then I came across the concept of « Lumatouch », and I thought this was a neat idea too. It’s apparently an aftertouch mode on the Lumatone where you can access aftertouch over the full range of the key, like the Exquis does…but only if you activate it by:
a) Configuring the key for it
b) Digging hard into the aftertouch on the key to trigger it
Just some thoughts…